Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Pulled Beef Burritos

Thrive Foods made dinner a breeze again at our house!  We had Pulled Beef Burritos for dinner.  These are so easy, especially since they are made in your slow cooker!  Here's how!  (Remember that photography is not my strong suit!)

This is what you need, plus the shredded cheese I forgot to include in pic.  You know those London Broil steaks you can get on sale sometimes, but aren't really sure what to do with them?  When our local store has their Pick 5 sale I always get  a couple London Broils just for this recipe. 
Using your slow cooker, place steak in bottom of cooker.  On top of the steak sprinkle the envelope of taco seasoning.  Add a handful of the THRIVE Mixed Peppers.  Yup a handful, or 1/2 a cup if you need measurements.  No reconstituting needed!  Just put them in their right out of the can!   Add 1/2 cup water to the mix and then put the lid on.  Cook on low for about 4 hours or until meat pulls apart with a fork.  Just pull it apart!

Look at the peppers in that meat! YUMMY!  I just mixed up 1 cup of THRIVE Sour Cream, heated up the refried beans and tortillas and that's it!

These are so good and easy.  Hubby says I need to keep a bowl full of this meat in the fridge at all times!  That's how I know when he really likes something!  This is really easy to double when you need to feed a crowd.  If you like it a little spicy then just add some cayenne pepper to the seasonings!  We usually have guacamole too, but I was out.  There is something THRIVE doesn't have.  They should definitely work on that! 
Our Mixed Peppers are really a time saver!  When you open the can the pepper smell is so strong!

Look at home much red pepper is in there.  Red Bell Peppers are $2.38 EACH right now at our Walmart!  This #10 can of Mixed Peppers is just $14.49!  It has a shelf life of 7 years unopened and 1 year opened!  There are 42 1/4 cup servings in a can!  Just throw a handful of these in any soups, stews or in with the meat in the crock pot.  If you need to reconstitute them you just soak them in water for about 10 min, drain and they are ready to go!!  Add a little zing to chicken or tuna salad!!
If you try it, be sure to let me know!

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